
It was a toss up for me between the VGAs and the Heisman.

Too bad there wasn't a car under all that snow.

He doesn't have a neck.

@CHILLMANRED: When I didn't see Gatti on the list I was a little let down too.

I was so excited to hear about Pogo coming to the iPhone/pod/pad. Then I found out it's not the whole Pogo. It's not even 1/100 of Pogo.

@lewis82: Same pet peeve of mine. I'm the tech "go to" guy in my family and I get asked frequently about what the difference is between an LED and LCD television.

I don't hate Michael Bay, he has a few good movies under his belt as a director.

Are these going to pop up in Netbooks and tablets?

What? Tha? Hell?

A bunch of people who will get the shit beat out of them by Batman; however, they don't have to worry about being killed - only knocked unconscious.


That was stupid, but at the same time hilarious.

@Ravel: Same thing I was thinking.

Looks like a poster for "Million Dollar Baby".

Be sure to sanitize the seat before the next person sits down.

@ortizlgnd4: Very true. Can't wait for the 2nd and 3rd generation of Kinect games!