
@LORDCOSMOS: Already beat that a LONG time ago...

@LORDCOSMOS: Yeah - I first heard about it on here.

Still looking forward to this as well as 'Owlboy'.


Might have been a neat idea if they rolled out all six movies (every other month) over the course of year - but six years...nah.

@absentecho: It's catchy...but why are they playing with an Iowa football helmet?

Sex x 9!

@kevinmiller05: Wow, I didn't know that Sam Adam's was a craft beer. I figured if I saw a commercial for it on TV, it must be a major brewery like Bud, Miller, or Coors.

I love you so much..

@kevinmiller05: Strongest beer I've ever had (besides malt liquor) is Bud Ice or Keystone Ice - and those taste like shit because the alcohol % is so high. Plus, Bud and Keystone aren't known for their taste anyway.

Good. Farc him.

I'd rather get the trophy from the band POTUS, not the real POTUS.

Hey bartender! Give me an All-Free.

Denver, the last dinosaur.