@Segador: I know!
@LORDCOSMOS: Already beat that a LONG time ago...
@LORDCOSMOS: Yeah - I first heard about it on here.
Still looking forward to this as well as 'Owlboy'.
Might have been a neat idea if they rolled out all six movies (every other month) over the course of year - but six years...nah.
@absentecho: It's catchy...but why are they playing with an Iowa football helmet?
Sex x 9!
@kevinmiller05: Wow, I didn't know that Sam Adam's was a craft beer. I figured if I saw a commercial for it on TV, it must be a major brewery like Bud, Miller, or Coors.
I love you so much..
@kevinmiller05: Strongest beer I've ever had (besides malt liquor) is Bud Ice or Keystone Ice - and those taste like shit because the alcohol % is so high. Plus, Bud and Keystone aren't known for their taste anyway.
Good. Farc him.
@magictroll: Well said.
I'd rather get the trophy from the band POTUS, not the real POTUS.
@kevinmiller05: What's the alcohol % in that??
Hey bartender! Give me an All-Free.
Denver, the last dinosaur.