
I love that he calls out the state senator Heath Mello for the “if you build it, they will come” approach to politicking, but offers up a much better “if you build it, they will come” option as a solution.

This is what happens when religion leaves one of the two parties and goes full on in only one. You get “republicans” in religion only.

They’re doing something other than god’s work. They are saving them yes, but have you looked at what they charge for one?

The owners have all the money and the players are willing to do anything to get some of all the money. Its a pretty simple formula. Find a dog, dangle a treat above his head and demand him to do demeaning tasks to earn the treat.

Take it up with Bill france. (I was joking by the way, and I agree with your post in every way possible).

They are stock, strictly stock to NASCAR.

The kart has that large fuel tank on it because that is standard with competition karts....They clearly bolted their engine on a regular kart...

Natural habitat.

Almost all others are stickers, but the bull on the Toro Rosso is actually hand painted. They didn’t have enough lead time to paint the bull on the car for the first round most likely due to short turn around time with car development and shoehorning the Ferrari in the back instead of a Renault for this year.

Now playing

Was fortunate to grow up listening to this car a few times. It is everything the Daytona Coupe was in excess.

I would love to go to COTA for more events during the year. The city of Austin is great to visit. I just can’t afford the astronomical flight costs everytime there is an event in Austin. The cost to fly there from a place like Chicago seems to always be above $4-500 minimum anytime there is something going on in the

“ race ready chassis, super lightweight, just needs engine. No lowballers.”

It was a different guy. Jon olsson sold it right after Gumball, for something like $450k. I think the guy who purchased it had buyers remorse and realised he was never getting a return on that investment; sad day because I thought it was something a little different from the hypercar craze.

The really oversimplified answer is cost. Go look at the running costs of the first 3 series your posted. IF its true that you can get a car and run the season on $100k, that is super cheap for an open wheel series that uses a car design newer than 25 years old.

Top 10 most expensive car wrecks and you don’t include the 2005 Brian Redman Challenge wreck in the Group 6 class?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Can I finally be un-grayed?

Indianapolis 500: The Simulation

Don't feel too bad. Take a look at golf for example, same tax filing headaches, BUT, Jordan Spieth's caddy made roughing $400k in the last 30 days....

You forgot to add trophy wives to your list.

And you better keep your damn mouth shut about it. Its called job security! We accountants don't make our profession so god awful boring because we enjoy making other people suffer (we do actually enjoy making others suffer sometimes), its so we can keep using our software and letting you think its some backroom/green