
Someone explain to Kotick that "Profit" and "Censorship" are not synonyms to "Innovation" ... #bandhero

Rule of thumb, don't leave your Facebook page lying around for people to peek into. #modernwarfare2

If you download this app for your baby ... you might want to think about iPhone addiction ... "Hey honey, my cigarettes can do my taxes now" #crytranslatoriphoneapp

@Guts_: probably because they reset levels like 3 times ... and retracted runes while we wait for pre-season to finish ... that sorta made me mad too. I'm still playing though. #daynote

My username is Spiritus ... lets rumble. I'm Teemo ... "at your service" #daynote

@THEMISSING: On the business side of things, there is a balance that happens with QA versus release. Unfortunately, I can say that I have seen firsthand the benefits of not QA'ing a product.

I hated playing upwards of 16 players anywho. The map sets were just not big enough to support more then that. I mean, sure, you could shove 50 people in a match. Then all you have is that retard in the corner who slapped a Deep Penetration on an RPD and he would pretty much get top kills.

This has happened to me randomly on articles or attachments I've sent myself. Sometimes they appear as unread, sometimes they appear as read. Otherwise, I haven't had any issues with my gmail account. #gmail

@tamoko: Make sure your classmates know how to use a wiki. I actually had a professor require us to use a wiki medium to share files and it was attrocious with the lack of knowledge on the subject by my colleagues. A lot of saving over peoples work and editing without asking. I'm still getting my bachelors, so maybe

Without ACII I don't think this is all that relevant. The average reader will chew this information literally without looking at fiscal reasoning.

I think Kotaku's picture on this article is spot on ... about 9 apps that repeat themselves 20,000 times (exaggeration). #apple

Allen Field House is like no other ... No player can step foot on James Naismith Court and not feel the history and tradition of basketball itself.

I'm starting to think that developers/companies that port over classic games have a passion for MILK #doomclassic

As soon as I get home from class I will have to check this out. Dual thumbsticks leaves me skeptical on my screen space. We'll see. I will ELIMINATE you Crecente. #eliminate

I used iMario on m iPhone to do the same thing his suit does ... I just didnt' have to go through the humiliation of shoving an arduino board down my shorts ... #cosplay