
Wow, it's nice to see men wearing shorts that aren't hanging halfway down their ass.

What other winter resort looks virtually abandoned like this in the summer?

I hope they took her to the hospital before they took her home? If I was able to hear but not move, I'd fear paralysis and want 911 ASAP.

If the coach had no knowledge of the hazing then she shouldn't have "taken responsibility". It sounds like they want this swept under a rug.

Bacon over-powers scallops, which are heavenly.

Just because she designs something doesn't mean her name is displayed. You must be an old with jeans flashbacks.

Looking up a recipe using current technology is a sign of being "uncomfortable" in a kitchen?

I hope her name gets attached.

She deserves the publicity.

Why are you criticizing Dog for wanting to track him down, with your "let's leave it to the police" bullshit?

Media advertising / persuasion is covered in 4th and 8th grade.

TV programs give us content in exchange for paying the bill.

I have mixed feelings about all this, too. Creeping, stalking, disrespectful catcalling, etc is OF COURSE not ok. It's emotional assault. "Thank you for the information that you are someone to be avoided..."

This comment should be at the top. It's about respect.

Hhahahhaahaha...teacher giggling!

I didn't find your response offensive, just regular ol' stupid.

What the hell????!!!!! I'm a teacher and I sent that pic/ post to several teachers and administrators. I imediately got back LMAO, ROFL, etc...that post is making the damn rounds!!! We all need a good giggle right now.

I should've made my point clearer: it's a case-by-case issue.

She put a 3 and 5 yr old in the middle of a field in a toolshed. That was their "hut". No walkway, no way to communicate with her and the alcoholic piece-of- shit she slept with, no bathroom, made them sleep on the ground like dogs if they got scared and ran 40 yards to her toolshed. Sent a piece of bologna with a

Sometimes ex-wives collect $1500 per month child support but put the young children in toolsheds in a field.