
Well, she was a teacher and our school basically gave her a bon-voyage wedding shower since that was the implied status for all parties.

Oh good!

She should have a few local friends by now, so I understand your concern. Please offer to fly her home if you break up. You earn twice as much as she does, it's the decent thing to do.

I've been in that boat. I'd never charge $ either. That would signal they had rights in my home. Nope.

My friend quit her job and moved to France with her boyfriend. Immediate break-up. No place to live, no job, no friends, no family, no $ to fly home. And they were "in love" when they left. I'm glad your ex had the balls to be truthful.

This is so right. I was the one who wasn't "both feet in" including 3 five-year relationships. I spent 25 years in committed-but-not -married relationships, living with various men. Fuck what anyone else thought, I was a good person so it was just my business.

Hubs subscribes to Wine Spectator. I remember stories of "admitting" to drinking a screw-cap wine. A few years later...it's been proven that screw-tops are just as good or even better. Corkage issues eliminated, too. Many wineries have switched.

My former addiction to Perez Hilton is seriously one of the most regretted hindsights of my life.

But not nearly as funny as dlisted.

Oh I know. Pure awful. Like a bad relationship. What grade do you teach? I finally moved back down to PreK last year (it took 8 years!!!) and it was M-U-C-H less stressful. My students were independently reading and writing by the end of the year, so the principal wanted to move me back up to a higher grade. I told

I've been in your shoes, but not with a child making sexual advances.

I'd never teach high school. I knew a male high school teacher that received love notes from students. He wasn't supported by principal, she thought it was cute. It terrified him and he quit after the second year.

I just realized that being a teacher is my first non-sexual-harassment job! You really made me think.

She should've asked the other waiters for service tips and just observed the habits of effective, high-earning servers. Per the article, her tips were 10% all night from all customers.

I disagree. I waited tables for 15 years and I was not always on my "A game" with excellent service. If I didn't do my best, then I didn't deserve 15%. Customers should NOT be expected to leave 15% when they had to suck ice for 10 minutes because the tea wasn't refilled, sat with uncooked steak because server didn't

I'm thrilled you referenced orchids.

And her proud parents.

I'm a Pre-K teacher. When they turn on the cute, it's sometimes hard to maintain composure / discipline. Cute + pout = kindergarten teacher gonna kill me.

The "father" inherited the little girl as an infant. He raised her as being the daddy until she was 6 when the mother divorced him. He had wanted to adopt her but she wouldn't let him. He started paying child support, all school expenses, vacations, clothes, etc to remain being daddy. Relocated to be 5 min away. You

Guess who texted this morning asking me to babysit so she can go bar hopping with new fiance?! Hopefully everyone will tell her NO and she'll be forced to call "daddy" who I just refer to as the dad since he raised her, provides all clothes/toys/entertainment/vacations/ private school expenses, etc. She even texted