You know, it always warms my heart whenever Jalopnik posts these kinda articles. It gives others in my position much needed hope. I myself was born with a disability called Spina Bifida, sometimes use a wheelchair but otherwise get around using a pair of arm crutches. Have been a lifelong petrolhead/gearhead ever…
Any engineer with a stamp (you know, a PE?) knows there is definitely a difference between the systems regardless of what some PR asshat says.
Máté I love ya but please change the Cherokee description to four-wheel-drive it's a proper off-road vehicle not a damn Subaru KTHXBAI
XJ all the way! XJ all the way! XJ all the way!
Before anyone asks: Ferrari was aware this was going up and didn't apparently care, so maybe it's all water under the bridge at this point.
I don’t understand why y’all tend to hate people that are clearly enjoying themselves.
None of it actually. These guys have been doing videos for quite a while now, and however much you may hate them, its legit.