
Vote: Sublime Text Editor

I love your username, bro.

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Did this guy intentionally animate his video to be vertical? Has he still not seen the vertical video syndrome PSA?

You know, it always warms my heart whenever Jalopnik posts these kinda articles. It gives others in my position much needed hope. I myself was born with a disability called Spina Bifida, sometimes use a wheelchair but otherwise get around using a pair of arm crutches. Have been a lifelong petrolhead/gearhead ever

It's like we know each other or something.

Last time I towed a 727 with my Tahoe I had to get one of these stupid adapters.

Any engineer with a stamp (you know, a PE?) knows there is definitely a difference between the systems regardless of what some PR asshat says.

Máté I love ya but please change the Cherokee description to four-wheel-drive it's a proper off-road vehicle not a damn Subaru KTHXBAI

XJ all the way! XJ all the way! XJ all the way!

Before anyone asks: Ferrari was aware this was going up and didn't apparently care, so maybe it's all water under the bridge at this point.

I don’t understand why y’all tend to hate people that are clearly enjoying themselves.

None of it actually. These guys have been doing videos for quite a while now, and however much you may hate them, its legit.