Don Cherry: (cums)
Don Cherry: (cums)
I don't care what you assholes at Deadspin say, the Cardinals oranization exudes CLASS!
Oh boy- here we go.
So you're one of those guys who wears a Group combat patch while not actually being a long-tabber, aren't you?
Congrats on being a supply guy for the real warriors.
Pictured: a young Marine recruit, eager to reinforce the IQ stereotype, prepares to follow his sergeant's comment that he's got his head up someone's ass.
It is a great honor to wear those bearskin hats and I am told by my friend who did, that they are very nice when standing guard in the winter.
Fair enough - it is a pretty tremendous question though. And I suppose it's good to note we're probably all idiots about a great number of just that one would hope that, if you happen to be part of congressional oversight of things, you'd at least have an aide to prevent you from saying things this stupid.
Why do they need droves in the first place????
In his defense, it's probably not fair to single out his homophobia. I, for one, am willing to give him credit and say that Marshall Henderson probably has very dumb thoughts about a lot of other things, too.
That's where those "VACCINES CONTAIN ANTIFREEZE" flyers Snyder's had clandestinely distributed to the reservations every year come into play.
bulldogs were bred to hunt and protect. I have to dogsit a pack of three next week. God help me
Well that's different. Usually Nationals' managers are involved in train wrecks.
This is nothing, Marines are used to swallowing humongous loads.
it's just as likely that it looks like this one - windows covered over, and reprinted into a global freight carrier's colors.
If you want to really be outraged, I know someone at BC who downloaded a whole Arcade Fire album without paying at all.
Remember when Jon Gugala was fired by Runner's World for making incredibly offensive and sexist tweets during the 2012 Boston Marathon, for which he never apologized and instead continued to make offensive and sexist tweets? Glad to see his priorities are in line.
Do you have another site where you write angry blog posts about turnstile jumpers? Because I'd love to read that one too.
Just like people who sneak into the Superbowl "dont give a shit about the 70,000 other people who followed the rules"? Sneaking into events is a nearly harmless past-time that is usually applauded. I really dont get the outrage here.
Kinda reaching here with the outrage... people run as bandits all the time, and most of them don't do it for worthy causes