
@CdnMW: Helmets save lives.

@PopSmith: I'd more than bet there's fine print in the warranty agreement that sure as shit says that GM can deny your warranty for modifying it under their money. This has been commonplace since the later 90s.

@CdnMW: Rearward visibility is pretty limited in the back seat of a taxi cab, assuming we're aiming to grab the door. You're not staring out the back window when you open a car door.

@Jebro: I don't see the need for lawyers. I've never purchased a car new, but I'd imagine they make you sign an agreement for the warranty. You broke that agreement and got caught.

Warranty? Where we're going, we don't need no stinkin' warranty.

@SLRSpeedshop: Reliable is really stretching it. The slant-fours were tough engines mechanically, but everything else around them was trash. Not t say though, that I don't love them.

@spiegel1 - Heidi Koenigsegg: I'm kinda tired of your shit Simon. There were a lot of good contenders last round. Admittedly, there were a handful that needed work, but I enjoyed all of them.

I approve of glorious gore.

@jodark: There's more to 4chan than just /b/. The Aut/o/ section is right up Lemons ally of weirdness. We already have pedobear cars, and all other forms of political incorrectness.

@jodark: We are way, way beyond that point.

@Jim-Bob: 7mpg, 300hp, 360 ftlb of torque, 40 years.

@Jim-Bob: Having worked for close to 2 years, you did not do all of that work alone. That's asinine to make the claim.

This is in my top 3 of the stories this weekend. I loved it, all the way to the dark ending.

Not a note worthy article. Just a 1000 word elaboration of a stereotype.

@Jim-Bob: Check mate. That's 50 pizzas, 16 sandwiches, and 12 bread items for a total over $500 if I remember right.

@tonyola: 2nd gear, 50mph, still struggling with throttle down, the fun ended when the elevation changed.

@tonyola: Be creative with space, and rent a tiny uhaul trailer of you really need that much more. That's the only advantage the CRX has. Trust me, I had the entire drive line of a Civic Si in the back, I know it's capabilities.

@tonyola: They are nimble, and probably one of the best FWD cars ever made, but get to the limit and those poor front wheels disliked powering out of turns.

@tonyola: I sold my '87 CRX for a '90 Miata. I don't look back very often.