
I've got some book or another round here on the YT series. Because of course EVERY book printed about Star Wars is canon. That was pretty much what I was going off of. It is, of course, entirely probable that another YT-1300 could have some giant dish on it.

Yes. Yes I would. Next question please.

Yeah, but I'm pretty certain that a standard YT-1300 doesn't have that honking big dish on it that the Falcon does.

Errrrrr ,every DSLR Sony has made has used at least one form of flash memory that is not a Sony proprietary format. Starting with the A100 and Compact Flash and then moving on to being able to use SD cards in any of their more recent cameras.

Get her running Snow Leopard, disk purchasable from Apple's website. From there you get the app store, and can upgrade straight to Mavericks. Assuming that her Macbook is within the range of machines capable of running Mavericks

But Chris Harris isn't allowed in Ferraris any more is he?

Your title needs correcting

"Now remember Alex, we have both kinds of turns in Formula One, right AND left"

Dear BMW

Because people are scum I am now doing a sad. Poor Ferrari, what did it ever do to deserve this?

My favourite is the other silver car at around three oh nine which just rocks up goes "screw this" and performs in a couple of seconds the perfect version of what is being attempted.

Sometimes the testing liveries are better than the full race one. Williams F1 tend to look pretty badass when they test

Congratulations, you have won the prize for most correctest answer ever


But will I be able to build one in my (imaginary) garage?

Yeah, I'm British, I have no idea who Ralph Nader is. And yes, I probably could've clicked on the pictures to see a bigger pic and read the emblem. Also, if my brain would've remembered that I've seen one of these on Big Muscle recently. So all in all, a big fat fail for me. But still, the Corvair is a beautiful

I have no idea what this is, and if you're telling me that it looks even better in person than it does in these pictures then I think I may die

Jaguar are making the wrong CX model.....

Do pardon my ignorance, I bow to your superior car spotting skills.

Despite the fact that it is two thousand and thirteen and thus it is The Future! Money is still unable to buy taste