Tetris Jr.

Get off of my lawn!

More like:

It does.

768 GB is 3/4ths of 1 TB (since 768/1024 is also 3/4).

His poop must've went back up his rectum.

They'd rather hear a MG.

Being a race car driver is a tiring job...

How big are those hands, though? I've seen orangutan tech bloggers reviewing the likes of the Galaxy Note, but when I walk into Best Buy to take a look myself...

Don't forget the ugly duckling.

What about "I have Carpal Tunnel on my right wrist"?

Because Fetish?

It's nice living in the UAE by not paying taxes and getting (nearly) free healthcare, but sh*t's expensive, yo.


I'm probably going to hell...

What are you talking about? This is Saudi prom.

I use this bad boy right here, but more of a gel substitute rather than dry shampoo.

Obviously the Singer 911. Build quality of a modern supercar, sadly so as the price.

It looks like a total ricer, too.

Psh, all you did was google the original image. I could swear the photo was missing a mad lane-swerving Shelby 1000.