Tetris Jr.

@Kangaru: Sounds bastardized, but I'd rock it.

@OMGWTF_BBQ: You can always buy a separate digital camera.

Well that's not gonna work.

@Miticale: @Adamskiy, as seen on TV!: That would be Susie Stoddart, Mercedes DTM driver.

@$kaycog: But I didn't find that when I went on the internet...


Damn those Libyan terrorists...

Damn! And I'm the kind of guy who laps the Nurburgring before heading to work.

@BrtStlnd: Stop being such a boob.

@BazookaJoe: Try living in South East Asia.

When life gives you a press car...


That engine deserves better, like this for example.

I used to believe that engine cylinders were like fuel tanks under the floor, much like the batteries in R/C toy cars.

I can't get a boner to this sh*t.

Ray, how would you feel if I called your fat kids fat?