
It’s a clickbait listicle, not a comprehensive index. Omitting movies is intentional because it increases page views and comments. You’re supposed to add your favorite and correct the omission.

I switched to LastPass. Their authenticator also moves with you. Never looked back.

I stopped reading the actual article when she said they’ve been together 7 years, but I did read all your commentary.

Yeah, I was with you until the “entitled millenilal” part. What a great way to age your opinion, and feed into one of the most laughable stereotypes. She’s an entitled person. Most millennials aren’t entitled, they are just living in perhaps the most difficult financial time in decades and decades, in general.

This may be some of the best advice you (or anyone else dispensing it regarding the kitchen) have ever given.

Stop posting things like this, it makes me miss Arch.

this is Gizmodo they suck apples dick no matter what. Apple could put a literal piece of shit in the Iphone box and still they would praise it as innovative. Im pretty sure i saw an article that was jizzing all over the new look of icons in IO7. NEW ICONS ZOMGWTFBBQSAUCE THIS IS AWESOME

FYI, since Fix-a-Flat was mentioned. Some tire centers and such will refuse to repair your tire if you spray that stuff into it.