
“Banned again!” he exclaims under his breath. He reaches for his Big Gulp and notices that it’s nearing empty. “I can’t watch the next run without more Mountain Dew - but if I get up, who will fight bravely for the freedom of the plebs?” his inner monologue is racing, genuinely perplexed as his faith in the rest of

Other people are being a LITTLE misleading by leaving out the full truth of the matter, though. While it’s true that the winning team gets more of the special item than the losing team, they literally only get THREE more added to an already substantial sum. If you played enough to reach the highest rank, which is

I subscribed! Cool, informative review.

Now playing

Here is some more information about Super Mario Bros 3, including how to spawn the White Mushroom House and Treasure Ship.

I am giving you a star just for “smug wackbucket”. Whatever next game I play, I shall name the character as such. Thanks for the good chuckle.

It’s less about it taking more than 2 days, and more about “Many people are confirming theirs shipped out 5 days ago and mine has been sitting at ‘Preparing for shipment’ even on the morning of the guaranteed delivery date, and I ordered the day they announced they were taking preorders two months ago.”

Right, cause heaven forbid someone gets upset when a service that they pay for doesn’t work.

It’s not so much the shipping time but the “guaranteed” arrival time.

I think it’s less “It takes more than 2 days to ship” and more “It’s supposed to be here March 3rd, why wasn’t it shipped earlier?” Especially since people ordering it within the last few days are getting it before people who ordered it months ago.

Sorry for laughing but that’s a touch hilarious.

...except for the fact that every puzzle is the same...

No no no no no. This is NOT the solution. This is taking something AWAY from the experience to appease corporate overlords. The solution is to fix the broken copyright system so that fair use is actually fair. Period.

For the next day, Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee is totally free on Steam. Just add it to your account and it’s yours forever. The platforming adventure classic is grim, endearing, and above all else, odd. It’s a must-play, even if you were born after the year 1997.

Wow! That was incredibly impressive. I immediately went to the runners YouTube page to watch his deathless run through that nightmare and I now have a new appreciation of what frame perfect actually is

Holy shit.

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If you still can't get enough side-scrolling Mario action, be sure to also check out the possibly more impressive Kaizo Mario run from later in the marathon.

I'm not sure how laughing at the death of a completely fictional video game character in an absurdly fictional video game ensures your place in hell, but, ok.