
Yes, it's all has to do with the GSM protocol. It's why apple started with AT&T when the iPhone was launched. Verizon uses CDMA, but globally it's all about GSM. I've even talked with people at Tesla Motors and that's what they've said too.

According to Consumer Reports, they do have the larger battery pack but they don't have the performance Model S (essentialy their version of AMG or the M division). For what is comparatively a mid to high entry 5 series or E-Class it's impressive. The newly added Performance Plus variant must be insane! Tesla rented a

So someone took a Tesla Roadster Sport, threw on the lights from the new Viper, and cranked up the top speed.

Most people just refer to the gas pedal as the accelerator in Teslas. I've even caught myself saying gas pedal...

Most people refer to the gas pedal as the accelerator in Teslas.

Now playing

In the blog post it mentions that Tesla's highest per capita buyers are in Norway and I've heard that before too. Part of the reason is electric cars arent taxed there, and I've heard they do fairly well in the snow too. We need a Jalop review of a Tesla being driven/hooned in Norway...

Not to be a click bait whore but I'm doing an AMA on my Kinja about Tesla and Model S 

I am in line to take delivery of my Model S in May and I have been following the company for quite a few years.  I know a lot of the local Tesla owners in Oregon. We meet up once a month (www.pdxtesla.com). There have been a few issues but all things considered, when there has been an issue Tesla takes full

I'm not sure if those performance 21" wheels are the best in th snow, but it reminds me of this from earlier...