
Which are you to judge?

Gerald “Ice Cube” McNeil.

Not your fault. I’m terrible about adding my own shop to my post, usually because I feel a bit weird about the promotion even as I’m encouraging others to do the same, lol. I’m at CrankyCrossStitcher.etsy.com. This design isn’t up yet but will be shortly. I have other stuff there too. Things are a bit scarcer than

True. Only certain whites get that Amendment’s protection.

This is exactly right. If I start too late in the day, it’s like I let the monster out from under the bed. It’s almost like I need to be a type A person but want to live the type B life, if that makes sense. But thank you, this is exactly how I feel.

For real! I’ve been watching Gwen for so long, it’s really not the same without her. Her face was like sunshine and she was so inspiring. It was such a double tragedy with the election results and the news of her death. Ugh.

I’m a high school assistant principal, and I have three rules:

I swear this is not piggy poop balls.

My mom had a former NFL player who had a pretty serious pill problem. He also had a pretty serious ex-wife problem. She would regularly show up at our home and start screaming about alimony and child support owed, and my mother was like, Honey, get in line.

My mom is a CPA! She tried running her own business out of our basement when I was growing up and Holy Shit were her clients stupid.

Good morning back! Corporate lawyers (no offense intended to you personally) seem to have a lot in common with people who go into medicine for the prestige and the money: no real passion for the subject or interest in the consequences of a job poorly done.

The worst of it is that I’ve known some amazing people who use their degree for good. This group *doesn’t.*

Nope I believe you have it spot on.

That baby’s face is EVERYTHING.

I don’t know if it is still there, but a German restaurant opened up near my work in Vegas and their noodles smelled like Grandma’s, but they were a different shape and they weren’t made with the pressure-cooked beef. It makes sense, since her family came from Germany, but I have no idea how she made the noodles.

Holy shit that sounds fantastic.

Today I made a pumpkin pie and a cranberry upside down cake to take to the in laws tomorrow. Friday we’all be roasting a turkey at home with the usual suspects in order to have hella leftovers. And to feed the baby decent food. My husband’s family isn’t very interested in cooking (which kills me because I am and make

Green beans taste like grass clippings and squeak when you bite them. [shudder]

The only thing I ever want for Thanksgiving is a crackers, cheese, and summer sausage platter. I bought the ingredients today from Trader Joe’s and ate it for lunch. My grandparents always had a platter for big family get togethers, and it’s the only thing I think of for Thanksgiving/X-Mas. Except for my Grandma’s

Pulling out all the stops this year....