As a Cleveland fan, to put this in very basic terms: profit = revenue less expenses.
As a Cleveland fan, to put this in very basic terms: profit = revenue less expenses.
If you’re trying for #1 overall, Josh is your man.
The devil’s advocate bullshit is fun and all, but considering the men’s and women’s teams each played like 15 games in that span with half or more at home, these witnesses were available.
Ahhh... Bill Self.
I remember my days in undergrad. Those 7 week long Christmas breaks were awesome...
It looks like it could be a giant Cow’s Mouth or similar mushroom. I’ve “hunted” them big enough to fill a 5 gallon bucket so that would fit with this amount.
You don’t have to actually hit or touch someone to commit assault. Thrashing someone’s car and blocking its path while they sit inside it can be enough.
I mean, there was $3,000+ in damage done to her car, “so he went out and kicked her car” is putting it a bit mildly.
Man, fuck Kansas and fuck Bill Self.
For the record, the first time Kevin Love played good defense was when he locked down the league’s unanimous MVP in the final seconds of game 7.
$38,000 cash to a HS basketball player? No.
Sure, they’d go wherever there was the superior compensation package. As they should.
The costs for a university to provide that “education” are almost negligible.
This is good analysis.
If Jay Cutler is calling the shots then he’s likely to end up on a completely different team than the one he’s intending to go to
Yup, Ohio. Nailed it.
Yeah, typed as I originally heard the joke. It was a big realization years later when I realized that wasn’t exactly what he was saying.
Welcome to Wooster.
Yup, I still do this.
Spinach, or other dark leafy greens. That’s the only human food my cat will eat.