WW 1.
WW 1.
The Rural Juror and the Irma Luhrman-Merman murder.
It’s like Tyler notes in the article; there’s a chance this thing is a carrier-borne strike aircraft. This aircraft looks like a PLANAF project, and stealth doesn’t seem to be a priority for the PLANAF. Of the stealth aircraft in development by the Chinese, the closest they have to naval air wing spec is the Shenyang…
They existed in prototype form and were in testing before the bombs dropped, IIRC. Perhaps pre-war government VIPs had access to them.
Owch. Your words wound deep, sir.
Not sure if this is a joke I'm missing the context to, but things are extra-political down south. Its just that those who campaign for LGBTQI are more organised, so they get people to listen.
Can't attest to a pan-Indian consensus about this, but the sexual minorities in Southern India (in two of the states, anyway) are definitely not satisfied with a "third gender" tag. However, trans individuals do have the right to choose which gender they prefer; "third gender" will not be imposed on them against…
Probably because no one (not the developers, not the players, not the journalists, not the technology theorists, not the loaves of bread in ASDA, not the seagulls over Calais, really no one at all) really cares.
I'd be fine with anything, TBH. Just glad the server's back up...I don't think I've hit refresh this much on anyone's Twitter feed ever before.