
Giordanos was operating outside of Illinois in the mid-to late 90s.

The beautiful part of Wirtz’s insane crusade?
In the late 90s / early 00's when NBC was broadcasting NHL games on weekends, the biggest crowds were the home games that were on TV. At one point I think it was 5 of the top 6 or 7 crowds EVER at the UC were from those televised games.
Fast forward to 03-04 or so, and

Man, I love these insightful think pieces where someone decides that an entire brand has to suffer because some blogger-that-can’t-get-an-actual job is offended
Y’know, chick fil-a, wal mart, now papa johns.
Not only is it presumptuous to think that I’m gullible enough to be swayed by your (not my affiliation

This is a bad take.
A fan was not responsible for 2003. Alex Gonzalez boots a ground ball that a backup high school SS could field, and Mark Prior forgets how to pitch.
Game 7, Kerry Wood can’t hold a lead, and the bullpen can’t get guys out.
In a situation like one that happened in game 6, the onus is on Baker to

Meth is a “bleep” of a drug.

I cannot wait for the return of the sheer insanity that is Riverdale. i will kill many braincells, and enjoy foodstuffs of dubious quality. It shall be glorious.

This looks ‘fun’ in the same way that Family Guy is ‘funny’

Needs more Gift Ngoepe.

Blast HardCheese

i used to be a regular listener to their radio show ‘sound opinions’ when it was on the original station. They are a great pairing. I’ve just always preferred Kot, perhaps because i subscribed to the paper he wrote for and was more exposed to his work.

It looks like a tv sitcom imagining of an opium den minus vaguely ethnic women dancers, and a wizened old man with a long fu man chu spouting fortune cookie wisdom.

DeRogatis can be very good at times. His writing on the Chicago alternative rock boom, however, is mind numbingly bad. The formula seems to be, if he can keep from inserting himself into a story, it is usually a good read.


Never seen Trump support described so eloquently. Bravo.

i blame Dr Who for this.

don’t mess with god’s america

yeah, it’d be rough if at my job when someone got angry at me theyd just send me candy and glitter. the horror.

aside from talk radio callers, is there really any hand wringing? I don’t know anyone, personally, that is any kind of worried.


money. no other reason.