
@crazycrsx: Most likely lost in translation, but I was taking it as "I have never thought of him as a guy (that I'd think of doing anything with intimately)."

@Laertus: I have one of those $20 coupons from the Starcraft 2 deal, it's good all the way to the end of the year. Sooo...must vary by store?

@Riggs Rector: ...what does that even mean? Have you even used a Redbox before?

@AcidTWister: Yet Blockbuster has filed for bankruptcy (which WILL lead to more store closures) and GameFly has flourished. All of this is due in partial to the reluctance for Blockbuster to expand into the digital realm of course, but there's obviously something they're doing right to stay in business.

@Matt0505: Not necessarily. All they'll do is stock in movies & games that are popular by demand in the area. RedBox has an online page for reserving titles, so vendors in the area can see what is wanted and stock more of those accordingly. Sure, they'll increase in size a little bit, but I doubt they'll take over a

@bangbangblah: $10 is the same price as Blockbuster; unlike Blockbuster, you have a choice to only rent it a single night.

@SeeNoEyes: Much like any other dinosaur that doesn't adapt to change, Blockbuster needed to go. Sure, I loved it as a kid, but the number of times I went there in the last few years to have every single title I wanted checked out, while at the same time the competitors (be it RedBox, Family Video, or even Netflix)

@Riggs Rector: Do you feel the same way about people using ATMs? They work exactly the same...

@senselocke: As wiggatron said, it's a service that several other sellers use for their venue of sale. The IRS have introduced the new Form 1099-K, specifically designed for online sellers to report earnings for taxation purposes.

@LaurenIsSoMosh: Go watch him in Firefly/Serenity, Malcolm is much more similar to Nathan Drake than Castle.

@carrlander: Nobody messes with Maury; he'll tell you that you're the father of some 10 children and you'll go bankrupt paying child support!

Someone would like to have a word with you about your latest choices, Capcom...

Guess when Congress is out of session, they have to find SOME place to complain about things...why not NBA Jam? -.-

@BeefSupreme: Real gamers don't watch G4, but they respect Sessler. He's the only one on that entire channel that has a level head on his shoulders; if you don't believe me, go watch his "Sessler's Soapbox" podcasts.

@The Village Vidiot: Ah, so we have YOU to blame for this! Bad! Don't give them ideas!