@Krud: You're mistaking Harmonix for Activision.
@Krud: You're mistaking Harmonix for Activision.
@SquareWheel: Gee, if they only had some sort of solution to remedy this concern...oh wait...
I think it's less like preparing for a date and more like getting ready for the grandparents to visit from out of town...
@Koztah: Better yet, you can fool them into stepping into the sunlight...tell em they'll sparkle if they turn up their graphics, and when they die tell them it was a sneaky werewolf! XD
@MrNose - FOR THE CHICKEN!!!: Can't be a part of a bandwagon if you never liked them in the first place.
@blaaps: Detroit Rock City changed that for a lot of people.
@Purple Dave: Merriam-Webster disagrees & agrees with you, and they've been around a heck of a lot longer than Dictionary.com.
@LucasTizma: Drop the three zeroes from your description and you've got the actual weight of a PS3 Slim (7 pounds), only one pound heavier than a Lenovo T61 15" laptop.
@TheSolarKnight: AHH-AHH! Saviour of the Universe!
@Avinant: Not even close, it's Guilty Gear.
@Morgan King: Way to insult anyone who ever bought Core or Arcade editions, both of which worked perfectly fine without a Hard Drive.
@goatonastick: RTFA, not my quote calling the Michael Bay-splosion movies dark and violent.
"their childish cartoon was turned into a dark, violent movie series"
@spiderweb1986: I think there's an unwritten rule that the Lions cannot win a game if they're within 6 points of the opponent. At least that's how it felt watching that end...
@PunkyChipsAhoy: I think you mean "Do! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!" :D
@Jedite13: Dude, that's cold. Even I wouldn't compare Milla to a horse!
@LucasReis - LOCK2K: If that were true, I wouldn't have walked out on He Got Game, the only damned movie I've ever walked out of in the theatre.
@totallyrockyabs: I disagree. I'm a gamer, and I liked the movies on their own merits. I most certainly do not correlate them with Resident Evil mind you, but they have given my tabletop group plenty of ideas (that laser trap in the first movie is a prime example).
@SallySalyu: Disney Interactive have stepped up their game immensely the last few years.
@smcallah: As it's been said, Game Freaks isn't owned by Nintendo. If you want another one, how about Camelot Software Planning and Golden Sun.