@trenthowell: There's no precedence of the sale of tobacco, alcohol, or allowing minors into an R-Rated movie to lead to jail time however.
@trenthowell: There's no precedence of the sale of tobacco, alcohol, or allowing minors into an R-Rated movie to lead to jail time however.
@ZGangsta: See this is why I shouldn't comment before the first 100 views, it always ends in tears! *cry, runaway*
"Boulevard of Broken Dreams" is a 6-year-old song. "Wake Me Up When September Ends" would be more recent of an example, albeit still somewhat older.
@Puhgete: Yes, because I felt so inclined to change my wardrobe in GTA4 when they did that. This isn't going to solve the problem, it's going to amplify it.
@PearceShea: Really? Last I checked Hippie is an etymology of Hipster, PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong.
@azerbo: Read up on what a hipster is, it's basically a modern-day hippie.
Great. So instead of a non-intrusive 2D window to upgrade skills/equip weapons in a quick and orderly fashion, we've got a pause menu that will magically transport us into a 3D room that will throw off the entire section we're currently in to sift through crap "like index cards".
I like to call this the "Hipster Defense".
@spyderr0de0: I'd require a work visa if I'm planning on doing all that kinda business. :D
@Steven Ansell: Actually, I'd have to qualify that as "North Americans" seeing as I have an equal number of Canadians that did this same thing when I was going to school up there.
@unruly: I agree to this as well, but the one action that he did to get everyone's attention (certainly anyone who was an anti-Apple person at the time) was change the architecture.
@Steven Ansell: While true that the cost of the machines are far greater than an equivalent Windows PC, the "Vista Age" did more than enough damage to convince the average consumer to at least try a Mac machine, which in turn did create a massive increase of marketshare.
@Shrewsbury: Have you used the Windows Series 7 phones yet? No? Then you may want to wait until it's out in the wild to bring judgment upon them.
"For years - no, decades - games on the Mac have been a running joke, a constant source of derision from the dominant PC gaming community. But in a single move earlier this week, the Mac made a comeback."
@ourovoros- double posts strike back: I've been playing the "Press Square to Resist" game for a couple of months now on all these games coming out. I always tell myself that if I have someone ask me for assistance when I'm standing at the game case to get them to pull it out for me, but thankfully the people at…
@Outkastprince: I got it for the PS3, mostly due to the fact that my wife has been playing Fable II on the 360 non-stop for months now and it'll be easier to play it on a different TV that way. XD
@Pretty Pink Pwnie: "Beta Testers" are hardly that, they're more like cannon fodder to stress test the server load. If anything, the majority of bugs are still reported and tested by people on payroll or individuals who participate(d) in the Alpha.
@TRT-X: With the attention to detail the person put in the costume, I'd be surprised if they didn't light up.