[CFK] Tender Vittles

Hmm. I’ve never really registered one episode as being the worst episode, apart from feeling vaguely that the first few episodes are all ramp-up episodes, and so a little lackluster in comparison to the genius to follow. That episode is certainly towards the bottom on IMDB, but I never disliked it, apart from finding

I think most good, character-driven sitcoms take at least several episodes to get anywhere—P&R included—so don’t necessarily write the show off just yet. You need to like the characters before you’ll really enjoy the humor, and that takes a little time. And that’s the problem with skipping ahead; you won’t enjoy those

Stop torturing people over the age IQ of 30 with this fleek shit.

Well, I don’t know about using a box to see another person miles away, but I do remember of a *completely natural* case where one man used a burning bush to hear someone who was miles away...

Things less “natural” (i.e., less frequent in the wild) than homosexuality:

you know Denton doesn’t care so they might as well tell us

It’s not that unpopular an opinion—the last season was good. Not good by AD standards, but good by everything else standards.

Parks and Rec was one of the best sitcoms America has ever had (hilarious, touching, and with several Good Messages), and it ended gracefully, making it near-perfect. Ending gracefully is something that very few American sitcoms do—they’re usually milked until there’s no more money to be made off of them.

“I just prefer the South. It’s warmer, it’s nicer, people are friendlier.”

I can just hear my dad now: “well, yes, it doesn’t affect me DIRECTLY, but I still don’t like it; why don’t we have something like this for young white males?

Well, she's a failure for even choosing that major to begin with. Pffft... English? Philosophy? The only major befitting a Cultured Young Woman is a practical one like Husbandfinding or Tactful Breastfeeding.

I was a failure by working at such a "menial" job at the ripe old age of 21.

There is a difference when Christians show Jesus’ love and when non-Christians do “Good works”: it’s that we do it FOR GOD.

How can you even see her hair under that bearskin hat?

This should not be so far down the page. I almost missed it!

Holy shit. Wiccan scripture is so much better than Christian scripture.

I heard he switched over to support Dolce and Gabbana when they took the conservative stance regarding gay marriage.

Setting those aside is easy—although I think the betrayal is unfortunate, that's not really my concern.

I'm hoping it's shock and horror. Even if this guy is a good writer, there's no avoiding the truth in what Eva Gabrielsson said: