Unsurprisingly, these numbers break down along party lines (58 percent of Republican voters said they trusted Fox the most, while 3 percent of Democrats said the same)
Unsurprisingly, these numbers break down along party lines (58 percent of Republican voters said they trusted Fox the most, while 3 percent of Democrats said the same)
...some folks lamented that the female characters in the team-based shooter were all svelte—including feminist critic Anita Sarkeesian.
But I don't need a trainer standing off-camera, gesticulating wildly and waving around a piece of meat, to know where I'm supposed to look.
Atticus Finch was a white male lawyer. This asshole is a white male lawyer. So, they're pretty much the same person.
It's like there's a disconnect in her brain that thinks Obamacare is something OTHER than what she has.
Who doesn't want to talk/read about sex (semi-)anonymously over the internet? Probably no one reading this article, that's for sure. I'd certainly read your thread.
If we spent more time arguing about dresses and less time arguing about land rights, THERE WOULD BE NO WARS.
I decided that I needed to ask a local Muslim friend her thoughts on it.
Step 1: Get out the bong...
Holy shit, I sing this one to my kids every night.
...just wait until you find out the answer. Seriously, it's harrowing.
A key element regarding item 8 was lost in the paraphrased list: sexualizing female enemies (specifically enemies) in games is a problem because the way we deal with enemies in games usually involves violence. From what I've read and heard Sarkeesian say, it's not the sexualization of female characters per se that she…
Yep. Reading this on my Cintiq at work where I've had no real assignments for ages. Sigh.
I'm not even going to waste my time with the other comments.
Wait. You're saying that the war on drugs doesn't work even inside a controlled, contained environment, where the ratio of authority figures to citizens is MANY times higher than in the rest of the country?
How does Whoopi Goldberg not understand that there are degrees of racism? That just because something isn't racist to The Highest Degree doesn't mean it isn't racist? And why does she keep making a distinction between racism and "ignorance" when racism is a form of ignorance? It seems like a very blind, numbing form…
BMW M5? Is your test calling me a douchebag?
Perhaps it was because I was neuroatypical.
Wow. So, they're even more dangerous than vaccines??