Amy Sedaris once referred to the vagina as "stinky crinky," and that pretty much settled the matter for me.
Amy Sedaris once referred to the vagina as "stinky crinky," and that pretty much settled the matter for me.
However, the frat's rebuttal includes at least one outright lie—one that they know about, and which can be proven.
Yeah, that appearance is the very definition of charming. Him singing is one of my favorite QI moments. I cheered out loud when I heard he was going to be on TDS.
No. It is a bunch of white people using this opportunity to recognize their own white privilege and the disparity between how races are treated, and to force other white people to recognize it in their own lives. In your article, you ask is anyone surprised? The answer is yes—in fact, many still don't see it. That's…
Being "intolerant" of an opinion is not the same as being intolerant of who or what someone is. And what you identify as being "intolerant" of an opinion is called "disagreement."
Sure, when a woman wears a cape, it's fashionable. But when I wear one, people make fun of me for not having any superpowers and then kick me and make me cry. #misandry.
If you need practice, there's a guy on the Vegas Strip whose job it is to get kicked in the balls for money. I think it's $20 a kick, but you can probably get bulk discounts.
And you never even asked me why I was crying... :(
It's not protection from cars, but from puddle splashes, wind from passing cars, etc.
I know that my perseverance is the main quality which makes me appealing to fans...
The Federal Bureau of Prisons also houses less than 10% of the US's inmate population.
This is a good stylistic guideline, but it's not applicable here—his rampage was entirely insane, but it was not entirely masturbatory. Though you may be more interested in the masturbation (and hey, who isn't?), it was only a small part of the rampage and so carries less importance than the adjective "insane." As for…
Good points. Perhaps there's some consolation in the fact that there seem to be quite a few newer, hipper (for lack of a word that doesn't make me want to gag) celebrities who aren't afraid of not only applying the label to themselves, but who also work to dispel the mythical definition. Amy Poehler, Nick Offerman,…
There is only room for one crunchy meat in this world, and that crunchy meat is bacon.
Surely, some feel this way. But I think a lot are distancing themselves from the corrupted image of feminism that conservatives use in lieu of addressing the real concerns of the actual movement (as defined by those who support it).
They refer to her by her last name repeatedly in a 200 word article, and use her first name once to break up the repetition. And NBC did the same thing—every video title refers to her by her first name. To interpret this as infantilizing or being contemptuous of PoC is nothing more than confirmation bias.
Also the choking shit is after some convo, it's not his actual opener, no one is suggesting you do that.
This was even better than the last one. And my comment on the last one, if I remember correctly, was that it was the best thing that I had ever read on Kinja. I'm really looking forward to your book!
This is all sorts of amazing. I think my new favorite feeling is "comical disgust."
Here's a boxful of gathered truths printed on beautiful handmade paper. I like to read as many as I can while I'm waiting five minutes for my chai to steep.