@Chilli: Thanks.
@Chilli: Thanks.
I gotta say, I like the Cap outfit. Looks like it could have come from the time period but still definitely Cap's suit.
Love the picture. Dammit, I need that for my wallpaper. Where's the original?
Cool. Now do one about killer noses.
@e30 guy: Agreed.
Wait, I think I've heard this joke before. A vampire, a werewolf and a ghost walk into a bar...
Looks good to me. I've been jonesing for a good, gritty military SF movie for a while.
@ManchuCandidate: Bravo! Well done. Now if we could just box up Lucas and bury him in a warehouse...
Ouija...is supposed to be an adventure story in the Indiana Jones mold.
I guess I saw I saw a totally different movie. I loved it. Not perfect, but after everything I'd seen I was expecting a disaster, and it wasn't. I'll be seeing it again in a week. Great movie.
@MrGOH: Pan's had good visuals and a good plot, but as good as it was, it was the story within the plot I didn't like and the visuals couldn't make up for it. In Avatar, where the plot was weak and the story only serviceable, I liked the visuals enough to make up for it.
@MrGOH: That's the thing about those two movies: while I could appreciate the visuals and cinematography and whatnot, it was the story and plot that made me hate them. It's like the Anti-Avatar (or maybe Tron, now, too) where the visuals and world-building make up for a weak plot.
@G99: I would watch the shit outta that.
I'll repeat what I said on the Deck.
@nozer: Talk about the most depressing movie ever made. I felt like I wanted to kill myself after that movie.
@MrGOH: I think I'm starting to revel in my bad taste in movies. I'm a sci-fi whore and I'm proud of it! Spaceships? I'll watch it. Aliens? Yup. Swords and sorcery? Definitely. And yet even I can only watch so much of those SyFy original movies, which I think is really saying something. :)
@Annalee Newitz: Yeah, and I really always have, but for a while I now I've had to cut back on my movie-going (new baby will do that) and so I began relying on RT to decide if a movie was "theater-worthy", but I realized that what the critics thought was a good movie and what I thought was a good movie are two…
I've noticed a trend wherein I see a movie that gets low ratings on the rottentomatoes there and loved it. I'm not expecting (or maybe even wanting, shocker!) an oscar-winning screenplay from Tron: Legacy. I've come to the conclusion I have absolutely none of the same interests in a movie as the critics, so I'll be…
Are we sure it wasn't Mr. Freeze? I think it was was.