
I love this.

Having grown up in the former Salem Village (now Danvers), I’ve long been fascinated by how complex the Trials actually were. Mass media depictions like to focus on the religious hysteria angle, and that was definitely part of it, but there were so many more layers all going on at once. There was the conflict between

Much like Superman: The Movie, the Salem Witch Trials boil down to a real estate scam. Sure, it started with a bunch of girls who stumbled upon a way to have some agency in an oppressive society, but that just provided an opportunity for a wealthy landowner and his judge brother to force people off their land and

“,,, the Netherlands-China Low Frequency Explorer (NCLE)...”

Ergot, which is similar too LSD but not exactly LSD.

I have worked for several major consumer product companies including Johnson & Johnson and SCJohnson.

I’d be OK with a new take on the Cybermen, except that we had such a great retro-take just two seasons ago. I wanna see the Doctor still have Bill Pots on their mind.

We buy new towels on Black Friday. Best pricing of the year and no competition.

We buy new towels on Black Friday. Best pricing of the year and no competition.

Or we can not just give a shit and stop reminding people that he exists.

So how mad are you going to be when he doesn’t get impeached and ends up being reelected? 

As discussed above, oxygen gas concentration increases in the martian atmosphere during the warmer season. How about gas/solid and liquid/solid partitioning? 

Yes it was.

When will developers realize that games which start slow need an option that lets you skip past all the slow start on subsequent playthroughs?

“The image of the Invisible Man in the floating trench coat and the floating sunglasses is one that is clearly etched into the public consciousness,” Whannell told EW. “I wanted to kind of get away from that and make something that was really modern, really grounded, or as grounded as you can be when you’re dealing

It is fairly well accepted that cryptocurrency is preferred by organized crime. It’s mainly money for crooks by crooks. It is sold to law-abiding suckers as an investment, even though it is highly volatile and could be worthless at any time. You can teach what it is and why it should be avoided in about 5 minutes.

My hope is that the plot uses this quote from Jurassic Park:

“We should let players launch nukes!”

Maybe this makes me a bad person, but at this point I’m just following Fallout 76 news for the entertainment value.

That is a much better ending.