
investing in batteries that can be swapped out more easily”

Y’all do realize that Zuckerberg is a sociopath, right?

Fong expected more regulation as video games continues to grow in status, but it was important for developers to work with government along the way. 


That orchestral version of the Sesame Street theme song playing in the background is beautiful.

“mandates that places of public accommodation, like Domino’s, provide auxiliary aids and services to make visual materials available to individuals who are blind,”

I dropped the show after 4 seasons. Has there ever been a discussion of when the dead stop. If they cant reproduce, and the only fresh supply is the people who are living now, whats the end game ? (or is the end game when the ratings fall under the profit margin)?

Hang on, hang a state fair...seriously? This is a thing?

I liked Superman Returns. Fight me.

ate a large amount of wasabi, assuming it to be an avocado.

Use it here. You privacy is not more important than my life. I’m not joking. Fuck your demand for privacy.

So long as you are purchasing a house you can afford (not barely afford, not ‘stretch the budget and we can’ afford) AND you are going to live in it for 10+ years, there’s almost no bad time to buy a house.  Even if there is a big slump in those 10 years, you’ll at least get your money back out of the house and in the

Not only had the contract been deleted—it also had never been signed by the client at all.

So... its springtime for Hitler?

I’d rather have lab grown meat than something pretending to be meat. If I’m eating non-meat, I’d rather just eat my non-meat well prepared in a non-meat manner that fits said non-meat.

Probably because you haven’t bothered to look. Taxi drivers in (most, all?) cities go through background checks, are required to apply and pay for a licence (which come with a variety of skills/requirements to fufill), there are numerous local laws (attempting) to reduce racial and other discrimination, in my city all

The human body is ill-equipped to process meat.

Just an idea, but it seems like there’s going to be lots of random fluctuations. Gravitational pulls from other passing objects (satellites, planets, asteroids, etc.), changes in the sun, etc. may throw off the course by a thousandth of a degree. With the rate of speed they’re traveling that could be the difference in

It’s a complete joke at this point. Whatever money they do lose will have no impact on their lives whatsoever. They’re laughing as people die every day. And they’ll get away with all of it. It makes me fucking sick. The entire family should be brought up on multiple murder charges in every community affected. Making

The whole notion of employer provided healthcare is so problematic, that the US is virtually alone amongst developed nations in trying to make the model work.