
What freedom is being impacted?

I’m like “if your car has ~400k miles and you’re telling me you haven’t turned wrenches on it, you’re full of shit.”

So, basically, non-Tesla carmakers have standards?

Here’s a thought. If you want the stripped-down experience that Light Phone 2 is offering, why not buy a low-end smartphone for half the price and not install Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. apps?


Most people cannot bear sitting in church for an hour on a Sunday. How are they supposed to live somewhere very similar to it for an eternity?
– Mark Twain

You don’t have to reinvent the damn wheel here. How do you define ‘too crazy to be allowed a gun?” Try this: In Canada, a person doesn’t get a firearms license if, among other reasons:

Guys, this never goes well.

We’ve just witnessed a classy guy say “I don’t give a shit” without it sounding the least bit offensive. 

I dunno, kind of feels like you chose the wrong headline, does this story really need grand standing to get clicks?

*Comment deleted by user*

Unfortunately, we are currently engrossed in a culture whereby expressions of vengeance are acceptable. Or in some places, encouraged. And the concept of an eye for an eye is wantonly applied literally. It’s all very haphazardly short-sighted.

He was a horrible man and I’m glad he’s dead. 

Spending hours on this raid and getting some lame-ass drill sounds almost as bad as spending $60 and getting Fallout 76.

Kaelynath got a drill, a simple, nearly worthless tool. “F*** you, Bethesda,” they wrote.

“As delicious as butter is ... it’s not the healthiest thing to smear on toast or corn on the cob. Oil-based spreads like margarine are often considered a better heart-smart alternative”

Because you have to go there. And who wants to go to Murfreesboro Arkansas?

I’m just trying to figure out how Trinity could be in a new film, considering...

That’ll never happen as long as we have people making massive fortunes on streaming. DRM has simply evolved into the cloud.