
The problem with “breaking up” these companies is that, sure you can break them up, but then consumers will almost immediately begin to consolidate their platforms and eventually you will once again have a dominant monopolist. If you fully broke up Google into 100 different companies, there would be one company with

I jumped off the Nvidia and Intel treadmill a while ago. I only Upgrade when I need to or i’m getting good value for my money. I never need the latest and greatest, but these cards do seem like good value for money. This is why we need competition!

I dearly hope the police department sends the bill for the diving team to these scooter companies. I don’t want tax dollars paying for some company’s shitty “disruptive” business plan.

Evangelion is, I think, a difficult anime to like in the sense of enjoyment. I said this on another thread, but while I think Evangelion is vastly important and’s also not an anime I really have any desire to watch again.

Ah, but Soylent is People, you know. And we can’t restrict “people’s” rights.

Am I the only person who thinks that companies themselves shouldn’t be allowed to donate to political figures? It doesn’t seem like this should be a partisan issue. A company wants to donate to causes near and dear to their leadership’s heart (better gay rights, banning gay marriage, whatever), they should go for. But

Gee, it’s almost as if connecting an ever-increasing number of unprotected devices to the Internet is a bad idea....

How are people supposed to pull themselves up by their bootstraps if they don’t have a contact number or email to apply for jobs or get an interview?

My issue with ThinkGeek has always been the dollar store quality of the vast majority of their stuff, especially at the prices they charge. I like the concept of a lot of their stuff, but it’s generally chintzy looking and destined to break in a week.

My issue with ThinkGeek has always been the dollar store quality of the vast majority of their stuff, especially at

Fella, if you think Alphabet wouldn’t cut your eyeballs right out of your head and sell them in Dubai for the price of a Toyota Corolla Hatchback, don’t blink.

Serious question here... I’m getting a real Kurt Russel in “Big Trouble in Little China” vibe from Hemsworth here.  Am I misreading your review?  I ask because I’m really on the fence with this one.

I use kind of a modified envelope system: 3 separate checking accounts with debit cards. One is for my rent, one is for bills and groceries and the remaining one is for ‘fun money’, for things like movies, coffee shops and restaurants. 

It’s a $100 movement, tops.

Having to pay for a browser yet still being blasted with ads everywhere? That’s an absolute NO.

Oh yeah, the phrenology guy.

You’re making a lot of assumptions about my home here.

My inner child says “Yeah!!!!”. My outer adult says: “Nope.”

I’m not a huge fan of Rolex as a brand (their technical expertise is almost unparalleled, though, and it really does command respect), but if you buy a forgery, you are a piece of shit. Frankly, I find it baffling that these really well-done forgeries don’t just go legit and sell themselves as homages instead. I have

That’s exactly what I thought, too.