
Do any car companies publicly share crash and safety information?

“The link between autism, the rate of which has risen considerably in recent decades, and vaccinations...”

I honestly would pay premium theater prices if Matt Reeves put Booster Gold in The Batman as a way of introducing the character to the DC movie universe.

Although houses don’t seem affordable these days, if you start saving now, you will have your opportunity when house market goes down.

Moving to a lower cost-of-living area can help, but only to a certain point

Depends a lot on context, the “certain point” can be staggering.
Moving from Paris to a small city in west of France got me going from renting a tiny studio in Paris suburbs (the hood kind, not the picket fence kind, my neighbors were a dump


We are the fucking dumbest ass country in history for letting this absolute dipshit get elected.

Scan cards and a cctv system would also track who’ S coming in.

This is probably really about the landlords getting upset that their rent-controlled apartments are getting sub-let through Airbnb for far higher prices.

He is right that all of Facebook’s products face steep competition from others. I know people really want to punish Facebook, and are happy to deploy whatever tools they think will work, but does anybody genuinely think they fall under any reasonable definition of a monopoly?

Given Cheetos’ antipathy toward Bezos the FTC might actually investigate. 

Why not just buy some dividend stocks? I honestly never get this...lots of good solid companies pay 4-5% dividends and odds are that over time you will do well on the stock price as well...on a longer time horizon you are almost certain to win big.

Old people.  A couple of times now, I’ve gotten calls from people who got auto-dial calls that spoofed my number.  They called me thinking that it was a legit call, because they are from the generation in which phone calls meant something.  They also had a hard time accepting my explanation that no, I didn’t call

This is why you chip your cat.

Really love this post. It is short and sweet and goes DIRECTLY to the heart of why he will be so missed. It is not just that we all love the character he played. It is who he was.

Or, you know, teach your kids to not spend money they don’t have. Instead of creating a distaste for debt this is going to normalize it instead. This is the worst advice I have ever seen on this website and that’s saying something.


Is this really a surprise? They made extremely expensive toys that, like you said, did basically nothing. I am a huge toy nerd and have a bunch of kids with a bunch of friends.  I didn’t see these things flying off shelves.  One of my son’s friends brought one over once.  It had about an hour’s worth of play interest

Essentially admitting that exclusivity deals are due to some pissing match between them and Valve rather than being anywhere near an attempt at being pro-consumer.

The study’s small sample size (nine subjects in total