My father has a fireplace like that.
My father has a fireplace like that.
Compassion is a great recommendation.
That was what two out of five takes?
Easiest way to get out of your car is to simply not panic.
A couple years back they removed the yellow dye #5 from the cheese powder, and started including more cheese than cheese flavorings.
Everyone always stays too long at jobs.
Yep actual history is perfectly clear, before the whole “dark ages” economic collapse that destroyed civilization in Europe? You had every nation on the Mediterranean catching a boat ride to every other nation.
Well reading that was a bad laugh.
All it comes down to in the end is money.
I’ve only eaten there once........I’Il be kind and say it was a hot mess of a burger, and not in a good way.
What no Sekirei?
It’s belivable because of the terrible warehouse conditions at Amazon. But in my heart of hearts it probably has more to do with the property.
A little bit of clr mixed with your soapy water does wonders for walls I would also say just a pinch of borax powder. Lots of water stains are calcium lime and rust after all.
It’s a nice tip but with warp zones you are not exactly replaying the entire game. Plus first two levels are super easy and loaded for bear with coins and 1-ups.
If you released the second controller for a bare split second while in the pit, you could lose all energy, jump out of the pit, and finish the level in god mode
Causation is the hardest thing to prove.
True, but they can probably sue for a seven figure slander case cand have it be a slam dunk.
Call of Duty’s entire “just downloaded the game” fan base revolves around hyper agressive preteens and teenagers murdering passably realistic people in fairly realistic locations. Then screaming every obscene, racist, and ethnic slur into an open mic for their “victim” to hear. All while typing the same vitrol laden…
Yeah we don’t really need it anymore.