Thought I had the market cornered on adding Mario hats to characters.
Thought I had the market cornered on adding Mario hats to characters.
I'm still finishing off GBA and DS games. I will hold out until there's a second analog... I just can't help but feel they will. Then again, if not, well I might just miss a generation.
I keep messing up too ;o)
No shame! Jem was hype in the 80s.
"I'm about the dollars, f*** fifty cent." -Luigi
That would explain... a LOT actually.
Mario has been the "Mickey Mouse" of video games for well over a decade now. Difference is Nintendo actively markets Mario. Granted he may be a marketing tool, but the amount of fun he represents is the same as ever. More likely YOUR view of him has changed with repeat viewings of him. And that's not bad. People…
Wow! All this wordplay before #Dukakis even shows!? That's Nazi-Pun possible... Wait... Darnit I messed up again!
Couldn't have said it better.
No one on a fan-forum should ever say something like that.
Hmm why did he need him to leave? I don't know anything about Diablo.
Waits for lols to appear in 3...2... not happening -_-
"...those scavengers, will try to rape her." Wow. That's a old move. Maybe even more moving than most other "graphic encounters". All depends on how they try to depict this. Too tame and it's non-effective. Too close, and it will be the new gaming scandal of 2012. And if it's a quick-time-event... well EVERYONE's eyes…
What's in the new crispy chicken wrap?! Mary?
Or could it be a jab at Japanese accents?... OK I think t was a typo too.
Guess they're returning the favor. Not like the industry didn't take a lot of ideas from Nintendo in their 30 year history.
Before I ever heard of Kotaku, I assumed it was a site about Japanese culture (a culture which heavily embraces gaming). Upon my first visit (about three years ago) I found it was mainly a gaming blog. Cut to several months ago, a time when I'd not visited Kotaku in a while, and the site's main purpose has evolved. In…
Wow. Thanks for the info. I read also that Martin even told the producers how he wants the series to end, just in case he dies. That's a smart contingency plan.
I feel ya there too. LOL OCD fo life!