
I know how you feel there. Same way with movies I take it?

As spoilers go, it was a light one. No major damage done. I'm at the beginning of Book 3. I am just worried about reading all of the books, then having to wait FIVE YEARS for the finale. Rather just pace myself so that I have to wait at most a year. And since I don't have HBO I can't watch! (Don't exactly want to pay

I'm REALLY sure it's not 1% of gamers who own SDTVs. Last I heard SDTVs were the majority. I could be wrong, just going by the last report I recall.

Cosign. I was lucky enough to get an older HDTV from a friend. Helped out a lot. However it's not widescreen like ratio. SO I don't know if I could play splitscreen. Either way when you're pretty much just making ends meet, buying a $500 TV is a big deal.

Eek spoilers *gouges eyes* Too much perhaps...

No way, they saved the world. To be a Pyrrhic victory they would have had to destroy the enemy AND everyone on Earth, and only they survived.

Not to sound like a computer "whiz" because I'm surely not. But if they have a networked database... how would that help?

Oh and funny thing was, when you said depressing, I also thought Grave of the Fireflies. Because yeah, THAT is depressing. That has stuck with me for the past 15 years as the saddest thing I've seen in my entire life. Ironically it wasn't the anime that made me cry.

Um dude SPOILER alert. But seriously, when saving the day it's understood that a hero has to make sacrafices. The ending makes sense (where many anime totally go off on tangents in the end). But even if many heroes sacrafice themselves in the end, when it's for the greater good, it's understood. When there's a war

Born in the 80s I watched anime without realizing it. We all did. In the latter 90s I learned about anime and started watching it on various cable channels since it was distinct from "regular cartoons". Actual fight scenes, cool mechs, panty shots! It was a teenage animation fans dream. Later I found out my highschool

Anyone remember the Orphen game that was at the PS2 launch?

Gurren Lagaan depressing? I've never heard ANYONE say that. There are a FEW sad parts, not as many as more serious anime. Overall it's about exaggerated movement and the spirit of never giving up. In the the show gets hyper beyond belief in the best way possible. It's the series that by the end, makes you proud to be

I really liked s-CRY-ed when it aired on Adult Swim. I think I saw all but one ep. My favorite memories include Biff, who once he got converted could only yell "HAMMERRRRR!" Straight Cougar and his super speedy talk. When Ryuho gained respect for Kazuma ("Fight me like a man! FIGHT me like KAZUMA!!") And on a personal

I assumed by the fact that it was reviewed er previewed, that it HAD been localized. A bit saddened to see that it hasn't. Japan does that too much. Great cross-overs with no Western release. I guess they are profitting enough without us.

Didn't want to be the first to say that. LOL.

Maybe it fills them with despair?

Sounds like almost every work of fiction ever.

That might be... the greatest love story ever =oO

I didn't notice anything odd until the 1min mark. Doesn't Billy Dee Williams always have awesome coming out of his crotch?

Niiiice lol.