
I had to swap it the next day.

I immediately went to the Game of Thrones opening when this started up.

incredibly bad.

I went for 'typically' rather than 'always' for a reason, and you just pointed that reason out. Poor old GC.

Superfluous boob physics should be a positive.

I was mostly amused by Ballmer saying MS is above over-commercialization of products on a night when MS has all but bought Comedy Central and is showing commercials every 2-3 minutes for the Xbox, including mini-skit tie-ins for South Park and Key & Peele.

Wait, I don't think amused is the word I was looking for... hmm.

The South Park dudes, and while i still love them are known to be Xbox fanboys. And they kind of spread misinformation like in the first of these episodes, saying the Xbox ONE had a higher frame rate, which is total nonsense. In almost every face off sites like Digital Foundry did, the PS4 had a better consistent

Nice job placing a spoiler in the title of the article. That spoiler warning sure is useful now.

Dude. Spoilers.

It is if you love the Persona 4 cast and story. I do love them, but I'm sick of that one entry getting mowed into the ground. I'm ready for a new Persona now.

Glad to see that I'm not the only one who gets annoyed by competitive techniques in Smash Bros. It drains the fun out of the game, and the fact that it wasn't even intended aggravates the crap out of me.

Wavedashing, pretty much the main reason(not just the speed of the gameplay)why people still competitively play Melee.

In mother Russia, cans open you.

Any price compares favorably against apple pricing. But the vita's main rival is not apple, but Nintendo and their system is SD compatible, I repeat NINTENDO. When nintendo storage solution makes more sense than your's, that's when you should realize how fuctardidly stupid you are being.

Nintendo needs to make another game cube. One that uses the same controller as the original, with none of this motion control and gamepad fuckery. Why does Nintendo feel the need to redesign the controls ever generation? The gamecube controller was perfect.

The difference is that the Wii U is just now hitting the 1 year mark. The Vita is hitting is coming up on the 2 year mark pretty quickly now.

I say this as someone who thinks the Wii U is my favorite console I've ever owned, and I've owned a lot of consoles: if the Wii U doesn't get a significant amount of sales this

Wait, WHAT? So to sum up, their three-step plan is:

What does this girl even want? How about we remove women from video games entirely so that all cliches, tropes, and stereotypes are avoided and all overly sensitive idiots won't have to worry their pretty little heads.

They all follow a tried and true formula for the most part. It's basically the same setup Indiana Jones has. Go searching for a treasure, find the treasure - it turns out to be supernatural and incredibly dangerous - everything crumbles around you and you escape alive, but having lost the main find. It may be

Sex is its own reward. I don't need it incentivized.