these were the songs that got me hooked on bbs. they definitely had a style that was distinguishable from the rest.
these were the songs that got me hooked on bbs. they definitely had a style that was distinguishable from the rest.
shut your whore mouth!
just tried it out. this is fantastic!
oh. my. god.
Wear a shirt that says "Tank" or "Healer" if you want to be seated immediately.
i don't even know how none of the songs from final fantasy tactics made it onto this list...
i liked both super sentai and pr.
how is arpeggio of blue steel not on this list?
This is a game MMORPG fans should play. They just can't.
You want a review of the game? Here it is: FUCKING BRILLIANT.
no. it wouldn't. multi-touch-gamepad-wii-u-ps4 — STOP.
breaking: the ps4 is a tablet. trololol.
Play all the Final Fantasy XI main storylines and you will realize that all other Final Fantasy stories are crap when compared to it.
someone needs to show SWTOR this is how you do F2P. gg Tera, i'll be returning!
people still play this game? lol.
this. sooo this.
now this is excellent voice acting. can't wait to see more of her work.