Ctrl + W in MS Office programs to close the file but not the program.
Ctrl + W in MS Office programs to close the file but not the program.
May I suggest adding “What made me laugh” or “What was beautiful”, or something along those lines? Might have lots of overlap with your #1, but not necessarily?
too late! http://europeforvisitors.com/paris/articles…
They’re really cool.
I noticed it once among the $50-worth apps, and later noticed that it wasn’t among them. It’s todays free app of the day, here: http://www.amazon.com/mobile-apps/b/…
I noticed it once among the $50-worth apps, and later noticed that it wasn’t among them. It’s todays free app of the…
Is one open-faced sandwich enough for a meal for an adult, or should I expect to want to eat two (= 1 can sardines + 1/2 avocado)?
Of course that's not creepy! That's smart and sensible.
Oooh! Thank you so much! Before my husband and I went super-low-carb (on his Dr's orders), I was trying to figure out how to get whole wheat, and sourdough, to merge with 5-minute/no-knead. Two years later, we've decided moderate amounts of bread won't destroy our health, and I was just again wishing I could find a…
We had a boy kitteh we kept from a litter. There were other litters, later. After his mother died, someone brought a little one over for our consideration. The boy kitteh went all around the place looking and calling for the rest of that visiting kitty's litter. "Mrrrowww?" behind the couch ...
Miss them all, decades…
Just saw the plain 1-piece ones in the $1 bins at our local supermarket.
styli or styluses. Not stylii. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sty…
Another question that helps:
We have a couple. Love them. We call them 'artificial thumbnails', since if we didn't have these, that's what we'd be scraping away at those bits with.
You probably already know most metals shouldn't be put in the microwave unless you want a sparks and lights show. The list of other things you shouldn't put in the microwave is pretty long, but there are also some unusual, non-destructive ways to use your microwave.
I wish to hell Krogers (who run Pick & Save, where I do most of my shopping) would make my own cursed data available to me — I provide their keyfob thinger for scanning at each checkout — that data's useful to me, too! Is there any movement anywhere to get retailers to share?
I started flossing consistently after getting a crown left me with a perfect food-collector of a gap between two teeth. Always hated the finger-strangling thing, so stocked up on those little picks that look like miniature swords. They come in a range of prices/qualities, and it pays not to get the cheapest.
And if it rusts, recycle the metal and replace it.
Use a plain, flat grater, not a box grater. If you typically use it for cheese, keep it in a large-size baggie between uses, until the dishwasher is ready to run.
It isn't. Search history is, but generally not browsing history. Oddly, much (but not all) of my own browsing history is, but others' that I've looked at isn't. I can't figure out what I did in my Chrome settings to make it so.
Bing may save your search history and make it available to you from any login — I don't know. This is about web browsing history. Doubt Bing provides that.
What's a source for a decent diy screen-protector material (I can cut a rectangle myself to save a few bucks)?