Ted Striker

Congratulations all around. I'll hoon about a bit this afternoon in tribute.

Also, what's the red thing in the back? Looks kinda like a late 60's Stingray that's been stripped down a bit.

Yikes. I don't know what's more pathetic: the people who acknowledge the cheesiness of the original show, yet expect the revival not to be cheesey (or that the cheese factor depends on the logo on the grille), or the photoshop nerds scrambling to prove that the photos are fake.

Someone hold up the cue cards for Frank. He's obviously nearsighted.

I just hope to gawd that that spoiler is retractable. Might be the only thing that'd make this car tolerable.

Just about any of the TVRs. Ugly as hell, but go like heaven.

Sorry for not appearing in the news this week. I'll make it up to you soon.

You'd need something like 15 pounds of pepper to blacken that sumbitch correctly. Hell yes.

I love the dip that the glass takes behind the B pillar. Just the right amount of character without getting goofy. And probably production-friendly.

Meh. They'll sell in the slot recently vacated by the Magnum, Pacifica, et al. I guess.

Ugh, those wheels look like they belong on a coke dealer's 90'd S-Class.

God bless Texas.

Can someone help me count to three?

Wert has an agent?!?

is it Schadenfriday already?

"But, as a back-road carver, no sedan is better."

Now he'll never make the cover of Poof Magazine.