
I am not sure if the misspelling of “Beets” was intentional, but either way, +1.

Great, now baby Skynet will know my porn fetishes.

Fuck movie theaters. I really no longer want to sit in a movie theater surrounded by people I wouldn’t want to associate with under any circumstances, while they slurp giant sodas and chomp loudly on enormous buckets of fake-butter soaked popcorn, gasping and ‘oohing’ at everything that happens in the movie. Meanwhile

Or correct syncing existing notes, latest version just don’t sync from desktop.

Maglites aren’t really flashlights so much as nightsticks that can emit light.

Maglites aren’t really flashlights so much as nightsticks that can emit light.


Why do android users always have to read and comment negatively on an iPhone post? It boggles my mind. I never read an android post because I'm just not interested, and certainly not enough to comment on the post. Why do you care that someone uses/likes something that you don't?


To be graffitied in 5...4....3...

So what do you guys want from them? They don’t have features found elsewhere, you bitch about it. They add the features you think they should have had a long time ago, you yell ripoff. They don’t upgrade hardware and you gloat because your android phone has more cores. the give a spec bump and you scream “THAT’S IT?

Maybe not today, but if Apple Music gets big (and it will), Sony isn’t really in a position financially to be saying no to something their users are clamoring for, just because they can’t get a cut. Playstation is the only thing keeping them afloat right now, and they need to keep it going strong. Too large a slip-up

So to sum up in one sentence: Apple is playing catch up. Got it.

Read receipts are a tool. Own your own emotional immaturity, and turn them off if that is more beneficial to you than leaving them on. But you sound like a fool telling other people that they can’t be trusted with that tool.

Duracell is also announcing a battery for electric cars later this year. It recharges from a handy spout you pour gasoline in.

My girlfriend thinks it’s sexy when I open her beer with my wedding ring.

I dunno, Tesla has been ignoring Roadster owners for a while. But I get what you're saying. :)

Tesla took the Apple approach for this.

I see this 'deal' here every few months, and every few months someone get to remind you that Costco always has a 2 pack for a better price. It's >$25 there.

I see this 'deal' here every few months, and every few months someone get to remind you that Costco always has a 2

I think a quicker way to do this is remove the ad. Than you can repost it when you go to manage the ad. This avoids having to copy/paste everything into a separate ad.