
Where do you transcribe your notes to? Besides being pretty, this app isn't totally useful and needs a portrait interface just make it easy to hold. You can't tap on the comment bubbles to get to that point in the audio.

Check out Call on GV Pro and SMS on GV Pro. Both updated for 7.

This isn't as great as it looks. The angle is too low unless it's right under your nose where your mouse and keyboard are. Also, the unit I had had a loose USB connection. Finally, it was a pain to pull the phone out from the dock.

Oh yeah they are loud. I still use them regularly but bought a pair of a MeElectronics Bluetooth set for walking around (around $70). These UE 9000's are heavy and give a thump into your brain while taking each step, even around the house.

Can we please stop paying for services with heavy advertising! I feel like a sucker every time I turn on my Xbox.

Sometimes they may be insulted but usually that "insult" is just their counter offer.

I had the Parrot Zik's for a few weeks and ended up returning them. At $400 there's better bang for your buck. I know everyone is complaining that these things are too pricey to begin with but this seems to be the going rate for Bluetooth headphones with noise canceling. Here's why I thought the Ziks are too
