Wait. The hearing was for two days?? Ugh. Missed it.
Wait. The hearing was for two days?? Ugh. Missed it.
Sure, but what I meant is that its still in the CF form factor instead of being in the SD form factor.
1) I thought Gangnam Style was the most watched YouTube video ever.
I’m guessing that he’s being that arrogant because he knows that its the cop that killed Andrew Finch in cold blood so if he’s found guilty, the court would have to find the murderous cop guilty also, which isn’t going to happen.
Can somebody build a layered CCD sensor to compete with Foveon’s already? Sony? Hasselblad? SOMEBODY??
OMG I’d forgotten CF cards still existed! lol I guess they are still the professional’s choice.
“Kinja is going to receive your Friend List” (or some other bullshit). This is the message that I got from Kinja when I logged in. Is Gizmodo actually trying to get more info from my account or did Gizmodo always get that info and now is trying to be more transparent about it because of the Cambridge Analytica thing??
Gee wiz, I wonder if Russia ever found which Russian lab the Polonium used to kill the Russian reporter in England came from.
I wonder how does this compare to the Hauppauge CordcutterTV. It doesn’t stream to Windows yet but for IOS and Android it works fine.
I wonder how does this compare to the Hauppauge CordcutterTV. It doesn’t stream to Windows yet but for IOS and…
If Zuckerberg meant what his ad said then cancelling your Facebook account should have become less difficult. Has it? No? I guess he didn’t mean a word of it.
People born in 1976 are the last Gen Xers AFAIK. I guess people born in 1977 are the first Gen Y?
Hey IBM, remember that time that you “not only survived but thrived” because you helped the Nazis? I guess things haven’t changed all that much! Maybe you should replace your company policy makers to boot!
The only decently entertaining episode this season was the robot episode.
I wonder if Gal Gadot regrets now coming out as so zionist.
So Xi Jinping is punishing “dishonorable behaviour” even those he encourages and is part of a system that condones and encourages “dishonorable behaviour”? Cheating people in everyday business is par for the course in China. Maybe he should start there.
LMAO. Classic.
“because we didn’t evolve, but that’s another debate”
I’ll watch it if the woman with the emphasized torn dress in the cabinet art makes a cameo.
Qualcomm needs to learn how to get away with stuff from Microsoft.