
I loved the movie Brick and I love science fiction. Definitely will check out.

1) I could have sworn that I read somewhere that Sanyo originally acquired a smaller Japanese company that actually developed the original Low Self Discharge (LSD) NiMH chemistry.

My dog needed to be put down because of tainted Pedigree wet pet food. This was a while ago. Apparently a whistle blower released pictures that showed Pedigree including road kill and even dead lab animals with collars still on as ingredients.

Is there no company still working on a landfill materials recovery technology?? Mining the landfill is the future. What is taking so long?

Wait a minute. Did we (Canadian here) change the lyrics of our anthem already? I thought the gov needed to vote on it first.

It seems to me that the only two relevant crypto currencies are (still) Bitcoin and Etherium. Anything else is just a “game” or just something fun to do in your space time if you’re bored and want to learn more about how it all works.

Its also a lot harder to catch bribed judges for, say, figure skating than illegal chemicals in the athlete’s system. The 2018 Winter Olympics are the first Winter Olympics where the scores actually reflect the performances IMHO. Its been a while since that happened.

Hopefully Marvel is making another Blade sequel and Blade has to slide and dice his way to the stone to the sound of techno music.

This is so awesome they should build it into the next version of the Furby!

You must really hate your family.

“Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! The U.S. has a rail gun so we are getting one too! Now World pay attention to us pretty please! Waaaaaaaaaaa!!”

By my previous reply I’d infer that I try to be inclusive and avoid being tribalistic.

Thanks for the info!

ty, that’s interesting info. I still wonder if the info they gather from me will be safe from sale to third parties.

They used to be owned by the Mormon Church. It doesn’t sound like you know what you are talking about. By your reply I’m guessing you are twelve years old so I’ll try to be civil. Basically I don’t want my money to go to any hate group so if they still hate the LGBT community, I’d spend my money else where.

Thanks for the crazy detailed info! lol Leave it to the right wing to such a term from SJhakespear’s time to the modern day!

I haven’t seen any UFC matches since the Dan Severn days. When did UFC become scripted?

I tried to find out what cuckodry was when I first read the right wing insults on the Net but I usually mostly progressive sites ad none of them knew what the hell that was. Right wingers use the word like it always has been part of the English language. Seriously, to be a right winger, you have to have something

“nobody, including our ancestors, in written or oral, have said they saw an ape turning into a human being.”

Because googling Japanese things is too much work for Gizmodo staff.