
Global Warming (aka Climate Change) is just going to bring more extreme weather as predicted. If there are any global warming deniers still left, they should move to Alabama to be Roy Moore’s neighbors and stop bothering those of us who are trying to fix it.

With the success of The Lion King, Disney is just looking for the next great anime to rip off.

OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! The original! (still like the Shoop one better though.)

Especially if the target is on the butt of the employees.

I’m going to sell a new item called Radio Flyer BLOCKCHAIN. Also reopen a BlockCHAINbusters video store chain. Full of VHS tapes. And nothing else.

If you’re going to build a monopoly, there’s no better time than when the Republicans are in charge. Especially under Trump.


I wonder if the fishermen who catch the octopus notice the differences between the two or if everything is so “industrialized” that there isn’t time or the opportunity to notice.

I am really concerned that as more and more software uses biometric data, any hacker that steals biometric data can steal your identity and use it for anything, including framing you for stuff you did not do.

On the bright side, think of all the second growth mushrooms that will be ripe for the picking!

I, for one, welcome our new Aneros Helix overlords.

I’m surprised too. Where is the tentacle monster??

Ok, so I guess Australia is a major cactus pear exporter? lol

Puerto Rico feels more like a slave territory to be exploited than anything else. I can;t believe the U.S. can legislate that only American ships can bring supplies to Puerto Rico. I can’t believe Puerto Rico is part of the U.S. but can’t vote. That’s the most Un-American thing I can think of happening. I can’t

Crustacean worms. Ugh.

So he was complaining that his dad watched Fox News all day but he himself believed in the exact Fox News principles??

“Have you seen a liberal attempt humor?”

Never knew this. Wouldn’t have expected it from one of the creators of South Park!

Yes, but Hillary is one person, where as the conservatives lie systemically. Basically, the whole Republican party. (Liberterians and Tea Partiers (remember them?) are just cave people.)

There was a conservative comedy show that was pitched to Fox. I saw part of the premier and it was total garbage. Like you said, they were making fun of/with things that every one knew were total lies. Even Fox didn’t give it a chance.