
$20/mo * 12mo/yr = $240/yr

WebOS on HTC?

I took my iPhone apart last year to replace the screen and noticed the sensor was tripped.

@ThePopesHat: That's probably Bob Wallace's mother or wife, standing in his son's place.

@acadapter: $7000 after fees, and Apple would have to approve it.

The only thing I don't like about this in a car (noticed with a DS) is you can't play and charge, so not too useful for long roadtrips. Unless it charges overnight (but then your gear is out in the open).

Put two of these together and you can get

@VeLAWLceraptor: "Too high maintenance, like that girl you once had a crush on in high school that five years later finally starts to date you."

@daemonoid: The way I learned it (via Feynman diagrams) was that the reason for the existence of the strong force is that its caused by an up quark coming out of nowhere and 'canceling' with the neutron, then an anti-down quark canceling with the proton. Or something similar to that. In the end it all works out, but

It says it has a 1500 mAh battery, so I'm wondering if anything was sacrificed to make it so thin. Processing power?

@LukeDukem: We already know that certain laws, such as conservation of energy can be violated in very small scales (sub Plank's length). This is how quark decay works.

@Mr B Natural: Even if you buy it through Target, Amazon is still the supplier. So probably yes.

@Nefilim: My girlfriend's dad just got her one for Christmas, but he's not very techy, so i convinced them to return it and wait for the 2.

I'm liking the orange and green as well.

@jaybomb: Welcome. I just got it for Chanukah, can't wait to read it.

What you really need is a Festivus Pole

Depth first search maps the maze. Shortest route is then gotten through any number of means (another DFS, BFS, etc).

Yarg, the great white one gets away again.