
Reminds me of a new show on SyFy:

"Although, she did later state the first thing she missed after the Titanic sank was her toothbrush that she'd left on board."

Part of the reason this happens is because you are viewing it through a single camera lens. Try making one in real life. You can get the 3D effect to work, but it is far easier to get it to stop having the effect. However if you close 1 eye, it is like the video, very difficult to convince yourself.

NSFW language, but relevant.

Really giz, ripped from nat geo without so much as a link back?

As someone who is now using Windows 8 as their main OS, I can tell you that they really made it the best of both worlds.

Well there's a nifty invention called wheels. However for a carry-on you'd run into a weight limit.

Get a SSD. You'll never look back, it'll be be the best upgrade you'll ever get. Ever. Seriously.

3 years ago I would have said the same thing about android. I personally know a few people with WP7, and I'm considering getting one (just waiting for the Nokia's now).

I'll just leave this here.

Unless you bitlocker or equivalent your drive and don't write the password on the bottom of it.

The issue is backwards compatibility. Everyone, and I mean -everyone- has USB, mostly 2.0 (my dad is still rocking a 1.1). The best thing USB 3.0 has going for it is that manufacturers only have to design for 3.0. If the consumer plugs the 3.0 into the 2.0, it'll still work (unless it requires the 3.0 power spec).

BAC is the percentage of blood in your system (and thus effecting your brain). If you have built up a tolerance that means your liver processes the alcohol out of your bloodstream faster, thus making your BAC lower then someone who has less tolerance. Its a pretty accurate measure.

I am a fan of the PC game. The art style is nice, and its mostly about community. The game is no fun playing by yourself, but if you start with a few real life friends and then make some online buddies it gets good. Also since one of the last updates, the focus was taken away from grinding and put on party quests. PVP

Watson was not connected to the internet. It was fed data such as encyclopedias, and pools some of his knowledge from pop culture from the internet. But it wasn't actually connected.

Windows doesn't care if you're logging in to a remote desktop or local, they're both treated the same way by the profile manager.

Two words: Zune Pass.