
@branchan: But its as thin as a non slider? Just glue it close, you'd never notice, lol.

@Wozamil: Don't us unlimited people actually have a 5GB limit? I can't remember if they got rid of that.

@iElvis: haha, that made my day.

To everyone who says "only 1 million?!", the million is just to spur R&D costs, so small companies and individuals without a budget can participate.

Shouldn't this be given the #imacipadstand tag used in the last article about yet another iPad stand?

We should check if this happens when under wifi, or edge. Under wifi it could be possible to monitor what's going in/out.

So do you get a Green Ring of Death if a red LED modded Xbox RRoD's?

@madara: Fact: There's a Seinfeld for every moment.

At least it competitively priced. Six batteries is nice too. If you don't have the magic pad (or stop using your magic mouse) that's a pair ready to go at all times.

Yep, got my e-mail confirmation as well. Already bought a griffin reveal, but it'll be nice having two cases.

VOTE: Ultimate Boot CD