
He is pretty great in The Leftovers.

Anybody else notice that when Good Cooper is with the blind woman in the down below, before she flips the switch the number on the “outlet” is 15, and afterwards its 3? If you look at it in regards to military time, both are 3 o’clock. And when Bad Coop crashes its 15:00 in military time.

Have you actually seen the show? ;-)


Indeed, Red Letter Media is the shit.

Wasnt Cameron the one doing the punching to his safety diver?

Getting to Carnegie Hall is the same as getting your Thorn. Practice, practice, practice.

I would love to see Kathryn Bigelow direct Wonder Woman.

Indeed, he placed it on Loki's chest to keep him from getting up at the end of the first Thor movie and it didnt crush him to death.

No kidding. I mean, they let JAMES GUNN direct a Marvel movie and he didnt run away screaming. I just think it was Wright being a twat.

"Send more cooooooops"

I bet you anything that the lottery ticket is what was rolled up behind the wall socket at the beginning of the first episode of the season.