
Stage 1-4: Coffee

In my experience these are fantastic for desktop business use. Are they going to replace a leased enterprise Savin or Xerox machine? Of course not. But for individual use at an office, they cannot be beat on price or performance.

In my experience these are fantastic for desktop business use. Are they going to replace a leased enterprise Savin

This tool was made by Steve Gibson. There are few people in the entire industry who can be trusted as much as him.

He’s not really flip flopping, he just says whatever shit comes to his head to appease whoever is in front of him at any given moment. He’s nothing but a con man.

GOP is, and forever will be, the party of hypocrisy.

While it does show how difficult it is to multi-task, it fails because it demands an interaction completely divorced from pretty much anyone’s experiences.

I’m a labor and employment lawyer. The only minority categories straight white dudes find themselves in are those of disability and age discrimination. And every single one of them hates every single minority group right up until they have an accident or get old. At which point they are SO OFFENDED.

I bet you those people eager to hand out cookies to her kind of want them back now.

I said it before and I’ll say it again. A rich white man lives in a bubble of privilege transitions into a rich white woman living in a bubble of privilege. Her awful opinions aren’t surprising.

I don’t think it’s a question of intelligence; I think it’s one of caring. She will never need an abortion or social welfare benefits, so in her mind those issues are unimportant. It’s like when I hear about how tax plans affect people with a lot of investment income — that’s not me and it’s never going to be me, so

I’m beginning to think she’s not very intelligent.

Little known fact: Everything in and from Canada is full of fish.

I have little interest in taking any sort of advice from a man whose primary claim to fame is being an asshole and bully to those who are in a subordinate position to him.

There is so much wrong with this article on The Simple Dollar. Things to consider when working out your babysitter pay.

As someone who worked in a best buy for 7 years. People do purchase tv’s & projectors and return them after the super bowl, and after the world cup, and so on... Also, black Friday is the worst day to shop. The majority of skus on sale are specific to BF and are always lacking some features from the model that would

Please say it ain’t so! The facial recognition in Picasa was second to none, and the way it allowed you to organize and find photos has no equal. I shouldn’t be surprised. Google has been degrading features in it for a while now. I was most upset when the removed the feature that allowed you to pick a photo to

Picasa does so many cool things you just cant get elsewhere - The face movie is something I use for every single one of my kids’ birthdays.

No blackface is a terrible idea in almost all contexts. For an easy and entertaining explanation, watch Spike Lee’s Bamboozled, specifically the end credits . Again, NO BLACKFACE