Your glasses aren't on your face. Just thought you should know...
Your glasses aren't on your face. Just thought you should know...
I'm so sick and tired of Gizmodo typos. All you guys do for a living is write. Can't you do it right? It's not like your articles are 10,000 words long.
Do they take requests?
Dang, I just ordered a DT 880.
I'm seriously tired of Gizmodo's lack of proofreading. Come on guys, this is all you do for a living, at least do it right. It's not like your articles were amazingly long or complex!
One word: Thunderbolt.
As far as I know, the event is now a 6 on the INRES scale.
I'm buying one.
If finding out a password is hacking, I'm the best hacker in the world.
Gizmodo using computers to blog.
Gizmodo vs. my Google RSS reader + Twitter.
What article?
I saw this too. NASA will lose sleep over this.
HQ livestream: []
Yes. I've seen pretty much every movie / TV series that has something to with space exploration. I want MORE!!!
Looks like typical american pseudo-horror sci-fy crap. I would give SO much for an Apollo 13-worthy movie, maybe featuring the Space Shuttle or the ISS. Doesn't have to be non-fiction, but please, no aliens, no monsters, no giant robots.
He died more than 10 days ago. Just stick to Apple articles, dear Giz.
Computer sciences? Tssk. []
At my uni, Sciences Po Paris, we're just on Facebook.
Blu ray? Meh. I'm with Steve on this one. An SSD hybrid would kill the Mac's simplicity. Speakers this size will ALWAYS suck.