
I don't need to be upset to see that you're being an ass.

Why are you having an imaginary conversation? You haven't made a lick of sense since your first reply. Either your delusional or being an ass. Get it together.

Cheesing is being cheap; throwing projectiles, turtling, running the clock.

It was used in street fighter when I was a kid.

If you don't protect your IP you lose your IP, simple as that. While individual fan works here and there are fine, if they allow this guy to continue making works involving their characters they essentially lose the right to complain(sue) when other people start to try to churn a profit off of Metal Gear without

You seem pretty level headed, who's to say that the people making the threats are for the the discussion of ethical video game coverage? Why are these two things being linked when they have nothing to do with each other besides a hashtag?

It's pretty ironic that you see derailment in my comment and not the derailment in the reporting on gamergate solely when there are alleged bomb threats. Yet completely fine without anyone reporting on the actual issue at hand.

Where is the hard proof that they became terrorists? Can you identify any individual who wants more clarity in games journalism who threatened anyone of these people?

Well, when you attack the press and the press control the press all the news you see will be about how the people attacking the press are the scum of the earth.

You fail to understand the professional race baiter like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson or hundreds of others so called educated people.

Don't worry I enjoy it as well. The mechanics are solid the gunplay is solid and the loot system is fine now. The only thing lacking in destiny is the story it pretty much beats borderlands in every single way except that one. So unless his friends really like the story they'll be done with it just as fast.

Agreed everyone tells me (on the internet) how amazing dark souls is. I played it for a day and couldn't be bothered anymore. I didn't have time to learn the patterns or the tells with a full time job and with no immediate story to push me I just couldn't keep coming back to fighting basic enemies and wiping because I

I mean as far as the plodding around thing, my only guess would be that there wouldn't really be a game if it didn't give you a chance to react and make choices. I haven't played it but from a stream I was watching it seemed like certain areas you walk into and its already there recently having killed someone and

If they didn't return the review unit it would be a gift which can be considered a breach of journalistic integrity specifically paying for favorable reviews with said gift.

You're thinking Aliens and everything after. This is Alien( ) note that there is no s there. I believe the first one was just a almost 7 foot tall skinny South African guy in a rubber suit. So this is probably more accurate to that one.

Seriously though I don't know how they let the game be released with auto rifles being so dominant at all ranges except sniping range.(and even then I've beaten people with it at that range(and vice versa -_-)

But shooting at a black hole for hours on end isn't our dream for how Destiny is played. Our hope is that social engagement in public spaces is only one part of the Destiny experience. Expect changes soon which decrease the efficiency of cave farming and correspondingly increase engram drops from completing activities.

They don't explicitly say you are unique, It just so happens that you have a good lead whereas the other guardians don't. Well until you beat this one thing a third of the way through the game that no one should be able to beat.

For all of the technical and artistic prowess Bungie brought to bear on Destiny, they appear to have been unable to employ a person or persons capable of writing a coherent story or believable dialogue. The single most famous line of dialogue from Destiny— Dinklage's "That wizard came from the moon!"—is actually no

Thank god none of them are me. That would be embarrassing.